Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Well, You Know What They Say... "The South Will Rise Again!"

My wonderful family and friends,
I honestly don't know what to talk about this week. There is so much to choose from, I have learned SO much! I have had some great experiences and met some straight up nuts people, who I love! It has definitely been a week to remember. We have been witnesses of MULTIPLE miracles. Have I said how this is the Lords work? Because believe me, it is. We are merely His tools, doing our best to find the hearts He has prepared. That is one thing I am definitely sure of.
The week started off as normal, played some sand Volleyball last P-Day with the missionaries in the Roswell zone. I got to see Sister Blaylock and she informed me that D'lan, a woman we were teaching has chosen a date for baptism and wants to make sure I'll be there! :) I am so proud of her! Hopefully things keep moving forward as they should and soon I'll go and witness her making that covenant and promise with God.
We had Zone conference (2 zones=80 missionaries) this week with Elder Ellis from the 70. He spoke at General Conference. He is awesome. Well I was lucky enough to forget to prepare a 5 minute talk.. and couldn't have been "happier" when it was announced I would  be speaking not only to 80 missionaries, and President and Sister Wolfert, but also Elder and Sister Ellis. It was good, I talked about how I feel the Spirit and how we all can do better at recognizing the Spirit. We also sang (all the Sisters) How Great Thou Art. It was such a wonderful meeting. I learned SO much!!
There was this one woman we met, such a sweetheart. Her name was Dianna and she said "I am a missionary sometimes too, I go door to door and help people find Christ." we had a great conversation with her and then Sister Beasley said "We'll see you soon!" I looked at her and said, you do realize you just promised her we would see her and we don't have a name or phone number and we are on the street? She laughed and said.. ya.. But I feel like we will. I said "Sweet! I sure hope so!" Well the next day while I was on exchange her and Sister Merback knocked on a door and it happened to be a bible study, and guess who was there? Our new friend Dianna! She texted us the next day and invited us to a "Bible Game Night" So we went. It was so fun and a wonderful experience. We accidentally went out of our area.. like by .5 miles had no idea, but when we saw other sister Missionaries.. we figured it out way fast.. haha Anyways, these 4 women don't belong to any particular religion, they just study from the bible together a few days a week. After they had done their bible study the one in charge looked at me and said 'Sister Hamilton, will you teach us about your religion now?" I was surprised that out of the 4 sisters she asked me, the only one she hadn't  met before today. So I taught, and Sister Beasley jumped in with me. And they LOVED it. Sister Beasley and I then found ourselves in the Kitchen talking with Dianna and Gloria (the one in charge) while the other sisters taught the other two. Gloria and Dianna loved the book of mormon and asked us to start teaching their bible studies once a week. Dianna cried as she talked about how she'd prayed we'd find her again after we met her and she was just in shock because she had never seen Sister Missionaries before. What a tender mercy! 3 of the 4 women live in our area so we will teach them, while the other sisters will teach the 1 who lives in theirs.
 We are still teaching Bobby, the man we found fixing his car. We brought a member with us who kept coming to our minds the more we prayed. Well it turns out that member and Bobby's son played football together! What a miracle! They had an instant connection and the lesson went great. Bobby still wants to be baptized and this member blessed his home and when we asked Bobby if he would like to have that same priesthood someday he got the biggest grin and said "Lord willin' I'll have it someday!"
We went to a great production of the 10 Virgins (MATT 25:1-13) that our stake put on and I got to see lots of members from the Paper Mill ward. One of them gave me the biggest hug and said "I can't wait to have y'all over for dinner tomorrow!" I had to break the news that I had been transferred, she had no idea because she's been out of town. She just said "Well that's not fair.. Okay I'll get your number and I'll come to Johns Creek and take you to Dinner there!" :) I felt so much love from them as they came up and thanked me for my service and said nice things to my companion about me. The same thing happened when I saw some of them at Ward Conference the next day. I feel blessed to have served in the Paper Mill ward and love them all so much! However, I feel equally blessed here in Johns Creek and know its where the Lord needs me to be. The church here is amazing, and we have already been able to touch a lot of hearts of Sisters who haven't come to church in years because they say "it was Sisters that brought me the Church" and they haven't seen sisters since.

I had a great time being in Roswell for 24 hours on exchange with another new missionary. I got to contact a friend of someone I was teaching, so that was great! We did some great work and I am so thankful for the joy the Lord blesses us with when we work hard. It was a "fun" experience to be on bike the whole time with 92 degree weather and the humidity getting worse and worse each day. YAY! haha I took a picture by the Harley Davidson sign for all of my wonderful brothers. I think my bike fits in with the motorcycles don't you?
Anyways, that's all I have time for. Another random fact. They have wooden Crosses lining the high way and streets right now, each representing a fallen soldier in a war with an American flag on top. I took a picture of one from all the wars, they even had the Civil War! How amazing is that! This one man asked us if there were any from Vietnam and I told him where he could find them and when I mentioned the Civil War and how I thought it was amazing they had a name from it he said "Sista, we are in the SOUTH. You KNOW that has a political agenda."  It was HILARIOUS! and I said "Well you know what they say, "The South shall RISE again!" We just laughed and laughed. Oh how I love this place and these special people!
I love you all! you mean the world to me!
Happy Birthday to Lucas!!!!!! I LOVE YOU KIDDO!!
Happy Birthday to Samantha!!!! I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART!!!
Sister Hamilton

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