My oh MY! I don't really know where to begin or what to talk about for the week.. because there is SO much to say about this last week! Better put your seat belts on because this email is going to be jam packed with good stuff, crazy stuff, and just.. stuff! haha :)
I mean.. I could talk about the fact that I made history this week by living through a snow storm in GA that shut down the world over here.. Ya.. lets start with that :) That storm was CRAZY! To everyone reading this in Utah and Idaho you're probably thinking "what woosies over there in GA, don't know how to drive in the snow. Its just a couple ounces." TRUE! But wow!! It was crazy! Literally everything shut down.. The Dixons were over in Roswell (18 miles away) and it took them 18 hours to get home because everyone kept spinning out or just parking their cars and walking away. As we were out walking the next day it was like an end of the world movie.. Just abandoned parked cars EVERYWHERE. I saw a car that had hit a fire hydrant, created a sink hole be submerged in water! Oh and it was so bad the busses couldn't get out from some of the schools which are located at the bottom of super steep hills, so over 100 kids were trapped in the school for a couple of days.. It was honestly just craziness. Over 2,000 accidents reported! But don't worry, all of us missionaries are safe and accounted for :) I hear the county I live in got the worst snow.. so that's exciting?
Because of the snow we couldn't do a ton of work, no car, and no bike. Just good 'ol fashioned walking. It was a bit cold, but super fun. And because I don't have snow boots I was basically ice skating everywhere.. and didn't fall once. SUCCESS! :) Sister Harris and I walked all around being offered rides by just about everyone who passed by, including the Police. The only problem was.. we didn't' know where we were walking too! haha Just walking to be obedient and to hopefully find some service. Eventually a ward member saw us and picked us up so he took us to the Dixons where we had a great visit and it was nice to see they made it home safe.
I am so thankful for the families that I have come to love in this short time serving in the Allatoona ward. We saw a family the Whitlow's on Monday and were able to do family home evening with them :) It was so fun! They had literally 4 pianos in their living room, so we had the kids show us some of the songs. They are amazing! I loved being in their home because I could see in their joy that they live the gospel.. Its not simply about showing up to church on Sunday.. its a gospel of love. And I could see that they love not only their family but those around them and I feel blessed to have been recipients of that love. Also, their 2nd oldest daughter looks alot like Rachel Clark, so I loved that! And gave her a big hug because of it :) And she wants to come out with us to do missionary work as she tries to decide if she should serve a mission or not :)
Now let me jump to the fact that I am no longer serving in the Allatoona Ward, I am now serving in the Wootstock Ward. Its real bummer to not be Sister Harris' companion but I'm glad she's able to get feeling better so she can come back. My new companions are Sister Breinholt and Sister Dunn :) They are Sister Training Leaders.. and I like to think of myself as.. well a friend tagging along :) But alas, I am back to two exchanges a week and leadership. It should be temporary, President hopes to put me back in Allatoona as soon as the next transfer begins in a little less than 3 weeks so we'll see. In the mean time I'm here and I love it. I love being with Sister Dunn (from Logan Utah) and Sister Breinholt (from Gilbert Arizona). We laugh a lot and have seen so many miracles, seriously, God's love is all around us!
We, and by we I do mean they because I was here two days before it happened, were able to see someone that they taught be baptized on Saturday. It was such a huge blessing to see! The day before we taught Brother Henderson, a recent convert of about 2 months, about the priesthood and made sure he was ready to preform the baptism of Brother Monette. I must say it was such a blessing and tender mercy to be able to see Brother Henderson baptize Brother Monette. To see real growth, not just having someone be baptized but seeing someone who made the promise with God to be baptized turn around and help someone else along that same path. Another miracle is someone we are teaching named Tommy came to the baptism. Ready for another miracle? Tommy has now accepted the invitation to be baptized and came to church for the second time yesterday! The three of us are filled with so much gratitude and love for all of the blessings of the Lord.
Y'all are probably wondering what is going on with the title of this email.. I am the author of this wonderful saying of the week :) And let me explain how it came about. Have I mentioned that the Book of Mormon Musical is in Atlanta? Well.. it is. And President Wolfert and President Hammond (ATL Mission) have assigned a couple missionaries to be outside the Fox Theater each time it has a showing. :) Basically we are there to hand out copies of the Book of Mormon and cards and see if we can get anyone interested in meeting with the missionaries. I mean the church has purchased so many adds in the playbill, so its just another way for us to find people to teach :)
Well, as you can probably guess, I was able to go to the play last night and will again on Sunday. Not to see it, but to be outside the theater and talk to as many people as I could. It was SO FUN! Of course there were many people who were rude and not happy to see us there, but there were also many times that I was able to use fun catch phrases and testify that the Book of Mormon has completely changed my life. I was the missionary closest to one of the exits and there were so many people flooding out so to catch peoples attention, I stood there with a stack of copies of the Book of Mormon and smiled and said "Want to meet a REAL missionary?!" I was surprised at some people that walked up to me and said "Wait, that's a real tag! You're not from the play." To which I'd respond, "I'm not, I'm the real deal, and although I haven't seen the play I can tell you that this Book is true and will change your life if your read it." And they'd take one! At times people were literally grabbing the Book of Mormon out of my arms.
Or I'd say "Now that you've seen the play, do you want to hold to book?" Or as I handed them a card "Call this number and meet with missionaries who can tell you real funny stories that happen to us each day!" Or "Check out to see what we really believe."
Basically it was so much fun! Even though there were many people who were mean.. It was great :) We had an experience walking in Atlanta during the play and this man was really kind.. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon.. and invited him to read some of it with us right then. I'll never forget seeing the tears stream down his face and him looking at us and saying "Thank you, I've been wondering if God cared for a long time, and now I know.. He does."
I too know that God cares. He loves us all. He is so aware of our needs and desires to bless us. One of the ways He blesses us is through the Book of Mormon. I know that if you read it it will speak comfort to your soul, guidance to your mind, and love to you heart. And I know this because it has for me. It has changed my life.
I love you all!! Have a great week!
-Sister Hamilton
I'll send more pictures when I have more time :)
Also.. write me!! 1150 Cole Rd. SW
Lilburn GA 30047
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